Venir à l'atelier

123 avenue Daumesnil
75012 PARIS

(tous les jours de 12h00 à 19h00)

En transport

Gare de Lyon
Gare de Lyon
Q-Park Daumesnil - Gare de Lyon

Discovery class IN ENGLISH

You don’t speak French?
You would like to practice or learn english in a fun way?
This class is made for you!

« I absolutely must teach people to understand chocolate »

Come and learn to taste and make chocolate with Master Chocolatier Christophe BERTHELOT-SAMPIC, with family, friends or colleagues. Chocolate has almost 600 aromatic notes, opening up a whole new world to you…!

The Program

The tasting

A real tasting of 3 rare ® chocolates, to learn to detect the aromatic notes and understand how the bar is made from cocoa beans.

Christophe feeds your neurons and taste buds with stories and anecdotes, tastes and scents.

The making

Let’s get to work:

Production of a series of 8 « mendiants » made with Robert de Madagascar chcolate and topeed with the 4 traditional fruits.

At the end of the session, each participant will take home his or her own production, along with tips, tricks and recipe card for making them at home.

Durée :
2 heures
Prix :
Difficulté :
Fréquence :
Every Thrusday at 2 p.m.
Consignes :

On the big day, you don’t need to wear anything special, an apron is provided.

Attention, il est fortement déconseillé de se parfumer ce jour là ainsi que de fumer, se brosser les dents ou boire du café moins d'une heure avant l'atelier.
Cet atelier étant à personnaliser, nous choisissons ensemble le jour et la date qui vous conviennent le mieux

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter via le formulaire de contact pour obtenir plus d'informations sur cet atelier